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June 14, 2023

I want to thank you so much for the absolute brilliance behind this trap.. I just started trapping with the elevator trap, and my gosh, within hours, I have got more than I’ve got in 2 years with the pellet gun.. Im so glad I came across your design after I picked up a different one, not knowing how they worked and watching everyone I caught get out within 3 minutes of getting trapped. I’m successfully trapping now. Thanks again.

Ben M

Works great!

June 2, 2023

It was about 4 hours before I had my first sparrow. Set it up last night after dark, placed it on a picnic table near my bird feeders and baited it (cracked corn and millet). Tada! Will be watching the rest of today for more. 🙂 Very happy with my purchase.

Sharon S

Great trap

May 30, 2023

It only took 26 hours to trap my first bird. I’m hopeful that I will be able to eliminate to 50 or so that have shown up in the last few weeks before my blues start their next nest.

Shannon C

The trap works like a charm!

May 19, 2023

Thank you for making a quality product! we received the trap in perfect condition, and we pre-baited the trapping area with white millet for a few days. we then put the trap out, and nothing for two days but the sparrows were hopping allover getting used to it. We then trapped 11 in one day and 5 the next. We then trapped a 13 lined ground squirrel who was a little miffed at being in there. We let him go, and we also trapped a Harris’ sparrow ad a white crowned sparrow and both of them were released as well.

Here’s the Squirrel in the picture, and he’s not happy!


Works almost too well

May 15, 2023

I would never have decided to eliminate the numerous house sparrows if they hadn’t ganged up on and killed a nesting robin. There was no shortage of food or nest space, so it was just aggressive for no reason at all.

The trap sat for about a week with no sparrows and then they came pouring in at the rate of 4 or 5 a day, every day for the last three days. I don’t like killing things, at all. I am starting to wish it were less effective. I caught only one other bird (a song sparrow), and let it go. The rest-well, it’s depressing but I think it has to be done.



May 4, 2023

So happy I found this! I have been battling house sparrows since they found our bluebird house about 4 years ago. We have lost countless eggs, baby bluebirds and chickadees while I tried all of the other methods. This year we even had a chickadee killed in the house.

It took a few weeks as mentioned in the instructions. But so far we have caught 10 house sparrows in the first month. Thank you!


Incredibly Well Made

March 31, 2023

Arrived VERY quickly and was incredibly well made and easy to assemble. I cannot thank you enough for the speed in which this was received, I am so grateful for having this since house sparrows just arrived this year. I know this will last for many years and I will share your website with all my bird nerd friends.


Works Well

March 26, 2023

This trap works well. The picture I am providing explains for the rating.


This is your trap.

March 25, 2023

It takes a couple days but it works. Once you catch one house sparrow more will follow. Especially if you get a female. I have caught 70 over the last 2 months and disposed of 49. It takes some practice helping native songbirds find their way out so I have clumsily let go a few sparrows along the way. I have also caught two starlings.

This trap is well built and strong. It has been buried by heavy snow falling off the roof line, fending off multiple neighborhood cats and survived being carried and dropped 5 yards by a pair of Cooper’s Hawks.

If you live in a more residential area with nosy neighbors who think they are concerned with birds, hide the cage out of plain site. I have found it works better not directly near my feeders anyway.

Again, check the cage regularly. Native sparrows, Titmice, Cardinals and Juncos find their way in. And closely double check the birds if they get wet because then they all look the same looking from the window.


Easy to use and successful trap!

March 13, 2023

We have lived in our house for 6 years. I love songbirds and there were plenty to feed. But as the years went by we saw less and less songbirds and more HOSP. It was time to remove the HOSP. We set the trap and on day 2 we caught 3 birds. It’s day 8 and we have caught 36 so far! I never knew how mean the HOSP were until I’ve had to deal with them close up now. They are so cruel, even to each other. Setting the trap has definitely made a difference in our backyard, but it’s still a work in progress. We’ve caught a Curved Bill Thrasher twice and it was easy to open the door and let him out. We followed the directions setting up the trap and it works flawlessly! Thank you!!

Kat L